Addressing personal attacks toward DPRT
Several people have been busy degrading and lying about our team for some time now and I have decided to take this matter into my hands. I will not, nor will any DPRT member reveal these individuals but they have gone to far. I have talked with sites that were misinformed about us and the problem has been corrected. I want to let everyone know if you want to know about us, ask us, not someone who is too ego driven to really care about the paranormal field!!! I want to let the degraders know the next time I am informed of these actions I will seek proper legal actions as slander is quite a crime! Thanks and please everyone don't believe everything you hear, we are truly professional and we have not done anything these false accusers say we have.
Newer more childish attempts have been made. now with someone else acting for the obviously guilty party. Please to the person or persons behind this childishness, grow up and move on!
The only way to fight this is to post what they have been saying and prove to the world it's not true! not mentioning names or specifics, while understandable, doesn't help anyone fight the constant bad mouthing that every group seems to suffer. Don't be childish or stoop to their level, but let everyone know what's been said then they will know it's not true.
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