Monday, November 13, 2006

Positions open for DPRT membership

We have positions open in the following areas
Ghost researchers in field and out of field
UFO researchers in and out of field
writers for the website and newsletter
communications and field relay
and many more. If you are interested please let us know by posting here or contacting us through the website.

Friday, November 10, 2006

A big hunt for DPRT's second unit

Dravenstar's Louisville branch is preparing a hunt at a reported haunted location soon. This investigation will be headed up by DPRT occult expert and psycic Ronald Miller. Ronald has been with DPRT for nearly 10 years and we look forward to his results.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

DPRT welcomes newest memner, Tiff Rivera

Tiff was actually around when DPRT began to lay the roots of the team. She comes to us as a correspondant living in Deleware but is a native KYer all the way. She brings a great understanding of so many things I can not list them here. Welcome aboard Tiff!!!