Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Updates coming soon

The cold months are always slow for us here at DPRT but we will be updating soon with a good deal of articles and some new info on the team. Just wanted to give everyone a heads up

Monday, October 23, 2006

Seems like an epidemic

I will not lie to anyone about my area of expertise in the field of paranormal research. I am a ghost researcher. Lately I have had to try and learn all the ropes to UFO research in hopes of keeping up with the literal downpour of UFO cases coming in. It seems KY is being invaded or something. Anyone out there noticing an increase in UFO activity?

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Credit where credit is due

For some time now Derek McGarey has been addressed as assistant web master. This term really does not qualify as Derek runs half of the site and I run half. In fact Derek's half is the most frequentally updated so I am no longer refering to him as an assisstant. Derek and I are both co-webmasters, and I feel that term is the best one for the task.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Great News for DPRT

While never an original intention of the group with the latest flood of UFO reports I have recieved Dravenstar will open up a UFO Division. Also roughly 5 new people have approached me with an interest in paranormal research, all of which are credible and trust worthy people. Dravenstar has invited Danny Little, a local electrician, carpenter, and designer to join the team as a production and design manager. Several media oppurtunities have opened up and while hesitant I will be going over each one with the team and maybe we might entertain an offer or two. Dravenstar has been cleared once again to enter the African American Cemetery in Wheelwright and we hope to tackle that task as soon as possible. Look for a great deal of new stuff to appear on the site as well as a new charity created by DPRT director Sam Little to raise books for children who cannot afford them.Also soon we should begin our Relay For Life work and we encourage everyone to take a stand against cancer.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Big things for Dravenstar

A look at the site will reveal that we are quickly becoming one of the largest sources of online paranormal related articles out there and there are many more on the way from Sam Little, as well as many other writers. DPRT is now awaiting approving of several new members and is prepareing to assist several local high school studants with a project for their mid term. DPRT is also set to start updating case files and following up some of our cases. Look for us to release new articles on gear and how to create your own as well as a few major case studies. DPRT is also seeking research assistants who will take part in various tests and surveys to aid in understanding various phenomena.