Saturday, June 24, 2006

A promise from the director

We have let the updates slack a little and I myself and fellow webmaster Derek will be remeding this by keeping a strict update regimate. Look for no less than 3 updates a month from Dravenstar PRT. Thanks for sticking with us.

Monday, June 19, 2006

New Dravenstar Newsletter!!!!!

That is right Dravenstar will soon have a newsletter and we would love to have everyone out there be a part of it. If you want to subscribe to the newsletter simply email us here.

Newsletter Subscription!

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Problem with counter

We are sorry for a slight problem we have had with our hit counter. It seems that lately it has been going in reverse. Our logs show a completely different number than what the counter displays so I am gonna have to redo the counter. It may be down until I can repair it. Sorry for the inconvenience

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Updates coming soon!!!

Our follow up this week will be part of the updates as well as new articles and a few new announcements so stay tunred for an exciting month here at DPRT.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Dravenstar swamped!!!!

In 2 weeks time we have had over 10 cases called in. We are trying to get to each case quickly but we are a bit swamped at the moment. Expect great things this month!!!

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Dravenstar looking for new team members.

We are always looking to expand and several positions are open at the moment. Here is a list as well as a description of each job.

Field Agent- go to investigations and conduct them
Tech Dept.- in charge of all technical aspects of the team
Historical Researchers- conduct in depth historical research regarding cases
Case Managers- book the cases and take calls for the team
Demonologist- handle that side of the team's investigations
Writer- writes articles and the such for the website and future newsletter
Production- Designs and utilizes various gadgets for the team

If you are interested in these or any other position please feel free to contact us.