Friday, December 16, 2005

DPRT faces busy few weeks

we are marching in the Wheelwright Christmas parade in our own float promoting the fight against cancer, we are also taking part in several charities and fund raisers.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Dec. 1st updates for DPRT

We are looking to complete the follow up to the Osborne case as well as look at some evidence collected by a close friend of ours and make a decision based on that evidence as to whether or not we make the long trip to the almost notorious Frozen of Breathitt county KY. Also look for us to be expanding our article section. We recieved a call recentally from a man in a plantation home that is experiencing activity so we may be taking that case depending on the man's choice. It will be a big month for DPRT and we hope the same for all you guys out there in tv land. Happy Holidays