Friday, September 30, 2005

A new task for DPRT

It is now the goal of myself and fellow webmaster Derek to create the largest list of paranormal definitions on the net. If you would like to contribute please visit the articles page and post. Thanks

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

The donation thread

DPRT is in need of $107.40 to upgrade the website to ad free and add some more great features. If any one wishes to donate please let us know by contacting us here or emailing me at

With this money we will add storage and bandwidth as well as an actual domain name.

Wow guys!!!!!

The site is getting so many hits we are having bandwidth problems. That is amazing and we thank every visiter to the site!

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

D.P.R.T wins award

We just won a M.A.J.D.A award for our website. Expect to see an awards page up very soon

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Website up!!!

The site is near being finished. All buttons are fixed and we are good to go. Expect many extras soon.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Dravenstar prepares for possible investigation

We were recently made aware of a hospital that has had repeated sightings of what they call an angel. This entity has shorted gear out and caused tvs to act as if magnets had been stuck to them. DPRT awaits administrative approval and then we will head in for three hours and see if we cannot get to the bottom of this angel sighting.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Webpage Update

Pictures are up in the case files. EVPs will be up within the hour

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Dravenstar to return to Wheelwright Methodist .........

The church is home to a graveyard in the basement. Last time we went the results were questionible so it was with great care I talked with a member of the church's council and they seemed interested and so the team will return. This time we will be doing a full scale investigation on the graveyard as well as getting a few interviews from folks who have experiences there. I hope to not only keep you posted but post some evidence.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Website is under construction

I should have it up in a week or so. You can find it at

Thursday, September 01, 2005

New investigation scheduled Fri Sept. 2nd

After much work we will be investigating the Whweelwright Church. This church is actually built over a grave yard. Expect updates after the hunt.